Public sector
Following the expertise of our experts we can design and improve the way in which pubic services are delivered and implemented by the government. By applying our philosophy on IT ergonomic aspects we have identified 3 major aspects for a reliable IT service:
Administrative and Business Solutions
Through the implementation of a content management platform we can achieve an accelerated case resolution workflow which in term improves the user productivity across agencies. All communication channels can be thus easily managed and information can be more efficiently shared and distributed amongst agencies, citizen, and businesses. The information on paper or other electronic source can also be transformed into business ready content.
The management process will suffer an increase in visibility, collaboration, responsiveness and accountability.
Security and Compliance
Government facilities and also any other security concerned facility can be protected by capturing and recording video content from a surveillance system.
The new approach is that of “information–centric” rather then the traditional “perimeter security”. The main focus now becomes the information itself, rather then just building firewalls.
Information Infrastructure
Data protection and backup/ archiving infrastructure should be simplified and strenghtened by implementing a policy-based management of information that needs to be stored or deleted.
Multiple levels of protection can be achieved by selecting from a wide range of offerings from low-cost back-up-to-disk solutions to local and remote replication systems.
By analizing the complex relationships between the application and infrastructure, and also the detailed impact analysis, inventory, usage, and dependency data we can keep track of, map and report the changes within the business processes.
All the computer assets which include applications and hardware can be optimized to get more from server and storage assets, improve efficiencies–and increase service levels, all while reducing costs.
Solutions like Microsoft SQL Server, Office System, Exchange, Sharepoint can be deployed or upgraded to achieve a better acces to information or protection for your data.
The deployment of an Oracle database or application on EMC networked storage can be simplified and optimized with pre-tested solutions. SAP NetWeaver and SAP applications can benefit from a flexible and optimal infrastructure by reducing complexity, driving down operating costs, and maximizing current technology investments to make the best use of these solutions.